Monday, November 24, 2014

The Land of Smiles and Plastic

Sawadee-ka! Hello!

I know I have been in this country called Thailand not more than 2 weeks and my opinion may be wrong but there are things which really got stuck in my head as country features or little stereotypes if some wants to call it like that.

This place is somehow another world. I mean another world outside Europe. It starts with such a delicious amazing food that I have never tasted before anywhere in Europe. I used to work in places, where chefs spend hours to make food look artistic, full of flavours and colours. Here in Thailand, everyone cooks, little granny, children or adult. They do it in a basic little room having one pan, one knife and spoon, nothing really fancy but the food they make can simply beat chef’s masterpeaces. I am really fascinated about it.

Thailand, in my list, was never the first country to be visited. I always had a feeling that it is a bit seedy tourist haven where money talks louder than anything else. Yes, it is true somehow. I often feel here as a white rich girl or just a walking money bag. People offers you anything anywhere and if you are a bit naïve most of the time you may be tricked because for you everything here is cheap so why not to pay extra pennies. But! Yes, I said but. Once I step out from a tourist attraction, street, area or city most of the time I meet these generous smiley people who look so curious at you and maybe even laugh at you (nothing bad about it!). And then it just tops up my experience. I don’t feel that rich anymore and even just for a minute or two I can feel a part of happiness with locals.

I could talk about the nature hours because it is indeed one of the most stunning countries I’ve seen before with beautiful wild jungles, giant trees, tropical beaches, stunning waterfalls and magnificent mountains. Thai people should be lucky however anywhere you look around is a world of plastic which is not fantastic. Everything they sell they put in a plastic bag, then that bag in another plastic bag, then adds some extra plastic and then you come back with one banana and 3 different plastic bags. I don’t blame them, I blame education. Rivers and jungles of plastic will kill this beautiful nature.

All in all, I must admit I felt an attraction to this country for it’s simplicity and tropical mentality. Please visit while it is still more the land of smiles rather than a land of plastic.

Till next time,


1 comment:

  1. Jėga!! Kaip džiaugiuosi, kad tau patinka ten :)) taip noriu ir aš! Kai rašei apie maistą, net kūnas nutirpo prisiminus visus tuos skanėstus;D
