Saturday, March 2, 2019

Traumatic but Ecstatic


Happy Spring!

So for the past month or two I have been quiet in my little updates. I’m still alive, I’m still in France.
Some of you may know how passionate I can be about certain things, well I was definitely passionate about some fresh snow because it didn’t stop me to rest even though my body was crying for it. My whole (well, nearly!) February has been a recovery time for me. I managed to injure myself twice- once the tendons on my knee and second time concrete wall crash while sledging (who could have thought the sledging can be dangerous!). All I had to do was rest, elevate my leg and have hundreds of ice packs resting on my knee.

It’s funny, I always get reminded how amazing our bodies are. And as soon as I hurt myself all that appreciation comes without any effort. While everybody was having fun skiing and boarding I made sure my brains get enough stimulation. Ukulele was in use a lot and lots of documentaries made sure I am thinking about things that really matter to me.

3 weeks without moving much was a long stop for me but it surely made me think of all the people that can’t move all their lives. It made me think about my life and how lucky lucky girl I am to have such a wonderful ride. It made me look closer for what I put in my mouth and my batteries were completely recharged.

I must say most of the month I had such a spring mood (even though it was still winter) and I was falling in love so easily, ha!

Now I am back on my board, not completely healed but for sure fully recharged for this new beautiful season that is coming. I love spring and I love it’s energy!

Everything is going well, I’m enjoying my work, I meeting some fun people and I am still living in the postcard environment. The sky and the stars here are amazing and so as the sunsets. 

I am still here for a month or two so if you are ever around, come to see me 😉


view from work

discovered a nice waterfall!

my favourite peak


Bobby being cute