Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Te Amo, México

Hola todos,

October 12. Puerto Vallarta. I arrive to Mexico in full heat. The rainy and super humid hot season is still around. I suddenly recognise that this time I am really on my own. No more Rafa around and no more broken crying heart.

I am thirsty and jet lagged plus on top of that extremely excited as I just received 6 months visa to free roam around Mexico. My new friend John from the same airplane that comes here with his bicycle and the backpack full of dreams cycles out and gives me all the freedom to really arrive by myself.

Familiar smells, colours, faces, accents, everything feels like home. The heat, the weird taste bottled water, the coins and those smiles greet me with that Mexican warmth and openness for us travellers.

Puerto Vallarta is a new place that I arrive to, no more Cancun and that strange vibe around. Pacific is right at my feet and so as my trip here, full of unknown, full of empty pages to be filled with colours and reflexions.

April 25. Puerto Vallarta. 7 months later. I arrive at the hostel, exactly the same one I spent my first days here in Mexico in October. My buddy Marco, greets me in.

I am full of emotions, memories and a tiny bit of nervousness.

Tomorrow is my flight. To Europe. And recognise how I say it. To Europe. Not back to Europe. There is no back. And there has never been to me.

I don't have a base I say back. Of course, my mum, my sister, my family and some friends are still in Lithuania and that's where my roots started. But through out all these years of moving around I built my home inside of me. The world became my home however cliché it may sound. So there is never going back to me. It feels forward.

I still though try to treasure the last pleasures of this trip here.

A fresh dip in the Pacific with it's all big and little creatures in. The last random conversations in Spanish with so much more fluidity and expression than before. Last fresh mangoes, pineapples and avocados. Last Mexican dreams. But really for now.

It is too late for me now. Mexico and it's land wrapped me up with it's roots like a baby in mother's arms. The lover turned into the deep connection and I cannot leave this country behind.

So in my head I set the intentions. To return in autumn.

But for now I know, this is the last bit of this particular trip. Of this incredible time full of teachers and mirrors on my way.

I could have never imagined back then in October that all these incredible gifts will flow into my life. How wonderfully the magic of the Universe works. In the end, life is just a projection of what is inside us with all different challenges for us to learn something more about ourselves. So we can love more, we can give more, we can serve more.

I am sad to leave. My body rhythm adapted so well in Mexico. The heat doesn't bother me as much, mosquitos don't itch that much, even the burn of a crazy jellyfish I took it as a gift. I know, I am in love.

So why do I leave?

My mum, my sister, my friends, my incredible job opportunities that make my heart smile, the summer in Europe, my spiritual community. There are many reasons. And the spirit always chooces something that has to be chosen without us even having a control.

I am also excited about all these incredible things waiting in front. But like another lover behind me, I walk away with tears inside. Tears of joy and incredible lessons received.

Now the question turns into, how do I maintain all that?

By little work everyday. By my yoga practise that connects me with my wonderful light and powerful spirit. By taking my own time in the nature and reminding myself of the present moment. By jumping in the water. By cooking for others. By listening of what others have to say, what story they have to share. By each day smiling at random people. By accepting others of how they are and not trying to change them. By giving light and ispiring others instead of preaching my righteousness. By practising patience with impatient. By loving myself for all the mistakes I do. By being kind.

Thousand ways to maintain that high vibration, that love I received here in Mexico.

I am leaving with full backpack of inspirations. And I really hope I can share that.

With love, light, inspiration and fascination,
