Thursday, November 8, 2018

Sunshine Month

For the past month I have been staying at the Sunshine House in Greece. The place attracting beautiful souls to learn the art of touch, to live healthy and dig deeper inside.

I had an honour to be part of the family and from time to time chop some vegetables, sweep some fallen leaves and just enjoy an easy life.

When I am surrounded by many like-minded people I often feel safe, accepted for who I am and often inspired. The Sunshine House has this vibe inside, this wonderful energy of love and affection. I know I do sound like living in some fairyland, but hey fairylands often has dirt too.

When I am on the road I am often reminded that everything is impermanent and only what I’ve got is here and now. This state of being is perhaps where I feel the most content. Even when I bump into darkness. It’s like an anchor. Always there for me to stop. To look. To feel. To be.

My monkey mind often jumps in front of me. What should I do next, where should I go next, what is my purpose, why I am here. These questions attack me every day. But I know I have my anchor, the present moment. This moment. This exact moment. Concentrating on each letter I put, on each sound that surrounds me. How can this be not enough?

This month hasn’t changed my life. I just felt a little be more connected with that anchor. It’s always there. We are all ships, sailing across, stopping here and there. The storms come and we think we are sinking but it’s up to us to decide how we sail.

I am so grateful for meeting so many amazing people and getting inspired to continue my journey.

Next destination, the cat sanctuary. My animal teachers are calling me to show me more how to sail in this life.


Sending big love to my dearest families around,

beautiful Dirfis mountain

the view from my tent in the mountains, little bit foggy!

beautiful Mooji

amazing Dafni beach

acro yoga pros :D