Sunday, September 3, 2023

Back in Greece

Hello dear friends!

As I am crossing the sea to reach Athens, in front of me is a 4 hours trip. I sit here quietly in my found perfect spot in the ferry and I am full of emotions.

I really like boats and ferries, I think it is my favourite public transport. It gives me this feeling of connection with an open water, it is always breezy and the vast blue all around me mesmerizes my soul. The loud speaking voice in greek language often wakes me up from this dreamy state and the smokers around get on my nerves. But the romanticism of crossing the sea to reach the land is way stronger than any frustration.

It is my time to unwind. To look within. To reflect. To digest. I love travelling alone. 

Many people just wait to reach the destination before they can unwind, relax and connect with themselves. They dislike the actual journey, especially if that envolves public transport.

For me, that is the juicy part of travelling. I feel so in my waters when I am by myself going on long journeys by buses, boats and trains. It is my time to stop and be with myself. To feel, to cry, to dream. There is so much beauty in those in between the places moments.

The fellow passengers become the main book characters in my imaginable book. They often inspire me to create. A funny moustache on somebody turns into my notebook sketch, two smokers conversation turns into the topic I write about in my diary, colours of the sea turns into a song on ukulele about freedom and so on.

I have spent an incredible month in Greece. It seems like I come here without thinking anymore. Like some deep string attaches my heart to this land. It always feels good to be back. The familiar language, spinach pies in the bakeries, figs hanging on every tree, golden olive oil, white and blue and that clear water lulls my soul. But mostly I feel the part of Sunshine House family. I feel seen, heard and loved. And however how chaotic and messy each year may be, I take the good times with me.

Without a doubt, Sunshine House, the place I always go to when I am in Greece have changed me a lot. It opened thousand possibilities for me, mostly by simply opening my heart. I feel blessed to have found these places and tools that help me to walk my heart's path.

And like all the things, at some point comes an ending to these experiences. So with so much emotion I pack my backpack once more and continue moving.

I got few more days in Greece until I take a boat to Italy for some camping and then off to Spain to cook for hungry bellies once more.

The heart of the nomad is happy.

May we all live in that space of spontanuity.

With much love and lots of splashes of this gorgeous incredible sea water,


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