Thursday, September 3, 2020

Love is in The Air


Hello hello my dear beautiful friends,

What a summer! I finally got some time to sit down, reflect and write.

My past 2 months were spent at the Sunshine House, my greek home. I don’t want to sound too enthusiastic but I think I have experienced one of the best summers in my entire 29 year life.

These months have been filled with joy, light, love, play, action, sun, heat and some very very special connections. It’s incredible what can happen once you put lots of open hearted, open minded people in one place. Magic. Joy. Creativity. I think this kind of energy can save us all, especially in these mad, paranoid, fear filled times.

I have also been living in a beautiful bubble, far far away from the news, from the masks, from hand sanitizers, fear, paranoia and corona conversations. Instead I watched the moon, I counted shooting stars, dived into warm clear waters, played with my brothers and sisters, laughed like a mad woman, talked about energies, magic, synchronicities, manifestation, feelings, felt warm summer breeze while cycling around, ate a lot of delicious food, meditated, prayed, sang and explored.

Life is so much more than fears. And I know I am in a very lucky position to write about it. I am healthy, strong and happy. And I send a lot of my love to the ones that are ill, sad and weak.

But I also choose not to be living in fear. Every time I have anxieties about the future I repeat my new mantra: I am free, I let go of control, I trust in Universe. Nobody ever knew the future and nobody will ever know. Now we are more than ever experiencing true impermanence of life. No plans can be made. Like one of my friend said 2020 is really about letting go and being in a flow, however hippy it may sound.

Guys, I think it’s time to realise that living here and now is the only way to be happy. Don’t sit in those office chairs that you hate, don’t be in those toxic relationships just because it’s comfortable, don’t pretend to be someone just to be liked, don’t follow mass corporations and people who want to make you blind and deaf consumerist wanting more and more, buying more and more, fearing of old age, wrinkly face or not big enough boobs.

Go, explore, do the things you love, I swear you will never regret. Surround yourself with beautiful people who let you shine and be yourself, who show you love and support. Make space for others to shine too. Take care of this beautiful home-Earth and respect every living creature on this planet. Life is so much more than this crazy paranoia, fear infused shit that’s happening around.

With so much love, more than ever,


P.S. photos stole from my sister Anette and others <3