Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Another Good Bye in My Life

Hello to everybody but especially hello to my beloved ones,

Well, that’s pretty emotional. I left Sevilla. My home, where I spent 3 amazing  months and met fantastic people.

Every good bye to me is very very hard. I am a traveller, I am used to it, I say it so many times and everytime I feel sad. Sad to leave the life I always build for myself. So here it is another good bye.

I am on the road again.

My last weeks in Spain were amazing. First of all, my lovely parents came to visit me and they treated me like a little princess, it was good to feel spoiled again. We rented the car, soaked the sun, enjoyed the mountains, had food feasts and just enjoyed this beautiful country Spain.

After that I when I had only one week left me and my friends went to this absolutely crazy and magical free rave party called Dragon. Wow. First of all, the location was magnificent, sunrises and sunsets and we were completely surrounded by mountains. Great sound system, amazing music, happy people and dogs, hippies, thermal water, the best festival in my life. It was definitely the highlight of my stay in Sevilla.

And now I am back in UK. Not for long though, less than 2 weeks, to see my friends and enjoy free time before work in Sark island.

And adventures continue…

Never get bored, go and explore,

My all love to you,

Ligita (or the gypsie…J )


Mum is posing.. :)

somewhere in the mountains. And 60 km mountain road begins...

Look how big strawberries are!





We can see Africa!!!



not far from Tarifa

Look how small and tiny these cones of ice-cream!

My beautiful Sevilla


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