Sunday, May 26, 2024

Mayans, Olmecs and Cacao

Hey dear ones,

As I am leaving the capital of Tabasco region  the reflexions come naturally.

Arriving in México looking for a cacao bean I will work with, led me to this region. And as the only foreigner in the town (at least what it felt like) I was greeted with that warmth and curiosity that a general mexican has.

Either I am a master with placebo and convinced myself I am mexican or just very adapting traveller but even 42 C degrees heat in the tropics didn't spoil my mood.

I found myself exploring and looking for cacao in that crazy heat that reminded me of hot days in summer in Andalucia, Spain.

After being immersed in cacao farm in Costa Rica and trying to learn everything that a virgo can (well, the maximum of course 😂) I brought to Mexico with me not just a backpack of knowledge but a very deep connection with this incredible food of gods.

The magic unfolded and one hot afternoon I found myself having a chat with a cacao guardian and true protector of the land Abuelo Efrén who shared  the Mayan and his family lineage stories.

With true love and respect we ventured in his cacao garden and sat there under the trees dwelling on the mystery of cacao.

Time stopped.

The birds were singing, the insects playing their afternoon performances and a slight breeze of wind was giving the break of that intense heat.

To be working with cacao, one should treat cacao with respect and total gratitude.

The product has to be healthy and without any chemicals.

The price should be fare to all. Starting from producers and finishing with a chocolate buyer.

The message of medicine of cacao has to be shared.

But mostly, instead of just talking about cacao, one should talk to cacao.

I left inspired and honored to be sharing love for cacao with a beautiful soul.

And that led me to dive deeper into the Olmecs and Mayans, two huge civilizations that were guarding the lands of where I am now.

After quite few hours walking around the museum of antropology, reading and observing it made me feel quite sad.

Sad, because, we humans degraded so much.

We think that we are so evolved because we created more and more tools, more and more comfort and control.

But actually we lost our respect for the land and all around.

We lost our connection to the spiritual world and the mystery.

We became afraid of death when we knew already long time ago that death is just another stage where physical body leaves this earhly plane.

I looked at the Olmecs statues praying and their palms wide open lifted up and did not stop thinking about the kundalini and the same yoga mudras practised in the East.

Our violence and ignorance devolved us.

And yet it is so beautiful to watch some huge stone statue made thousand years ago and connect with the same human spirit that I am now.

To listen and observe what our deep, connected, smart and loving ancestors have to tell us.

I am honored to be exploring the lands of these important inspiring civilizations. Mexico is giving me more than I expected.

If we listen carefully we may find harmony in this world 🙏

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