Friday, May 10, 2024

Living in the Tropics

Hello dear friends,

Since I have known myself I have always had a deep love for waters. It started with lakes and rivers until I met seas and oceans.

There is something very special for me when I am by the ocean.

The deep vastness around me gives so much inspiration, I guess the space I feel within gives space for my creativity.

The air that is salty and humid feels like a second layer to my skin, like I have always belonged in the waters.

The sun setting or rising over the ocean never stops me to get fascinated. And if you catch me forgeting this fascination, please, remind me of this rich life I have.

I am in love with the life by the ocean. And even though I am just passing by this wonderful place, I know the waters will lead my way.

It's been over a month now and I have been deeply diving into the art of chocolate making and cacao medicine. But that deserves a whole new post.

My life here now in the tropics reminds my love for the ocean. My love for the tropics. My love for Latin America.

And yet, like everything and everywhere, this life has its downsides. It's not just colourful sunsets over the oceans and vegan ice-creams on the beach.

It is also hot and humid days when you feel like a marshmellow slowly melting in the fire.

It is also bugs and insects and mosquitos figuring out the fastest ways to annoy you.

It is also loud roosters in the night, crazy sound systems on your favourite beaches, high prices and gentrification that we are all part of.


Even if I feel like a sweat ball, even if my ankles wake me up asking me to scratch them, even if the most beautiful sound of the silence is very hard to find, I would not change it. The jungle and its struggles is worth all of it.

Just bite the tropical fruit and you will know what I mean. Just walk in the forest and thousand weirdest animals will light your path.

Whatever seducive witchy powers Latin America has, she got me hooked on.


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