Friday, July 5, 2024

Cacao Beans, Hostel life and Zapatistas

Good morning everybody!

I am at the airport, with a huge weight in my bag, full bottle of pure cacao and a little sorethroat sitting on the cold metal airpor chair. Why could't they use wood? 🥴

As I was leaving the hostel this morning the shuttle driver came in really early and with not much spare time I rushed through the door. I jumped into the minivan and suddenly I was already gone. How quickly my reality can change! One moment I was living at the hostel, having new beautiful friends, had my routine and then boom, I am again in the different environment with no looking back. As if the past never existed.

It always makes me wonder of how quickly everything can change. And as a lifetime traveller I have always loved that feeling. It's like you just finished reading one book and with one page you are already starting a complete new one.

So what kind of book I was writing for the past one month.

Well, I came to this city to find my cacao bean I wanna work with. Romantically speaking.

And being more understandable to all, I came to find other fellow chocolate makers in order to connect with the direct cacao bean growers. And since it happened pretty quickly I started to feel a little impatient with my time here in San Cris.

And that's me. An action woman, not waiting so much around, go n gett 'er they say.

In the meantime I was also volunteering at the hostel to save a bit of cash while here in San Cris and connect with some people. But I quickly started to realize that once my mission was over I started to have itchy feet.

Life at the hostel consists of a lot of social time and bearly any privacy. 

As a long term traveller my hostel days were over and I started to feel a bit trapped within my own chosen space to live.

So I meditated on it and received a teaching to be patient and learn how to adapt in this sort of environment.

Don't get me wrong, the hostel life gave me something too. Beautiful connections, safe space, a kitchen to cook and some deep conversations. And my first official cacao sharing circle started there too. But I also realized that my own little cave, (as a moon scorpio, manifestor in human design and jaguar in mayan calendar) is not just wanted but extremely needed.

Those days passed when I could be constantly around people, stimulated and talking talking talking. 

I now need my cave, my personal yoga prayers (that happens actually in any situation I am !), my silence and my privacy. And I am privileged to be able to have it.

The importance of my own space and time with myself gives feeds me so I can then share that with others.

So this morning, I won't hide it, I was happy to leave and continue the mysterious path of cacao.

On the other hand, San Cristobal really grew on me. With its diverse indigenous communities around, zapatistas movement and this sense of revolution in the air, with its gorgeous architecture and secret private gardens and patios within the city, with its colourful arts and crafts, artesanal shops, great cacao and churches that gave me a shelter to breathe, to be alone and meditate.

I have met yet another corner of Mexico.

But the time has come to go back to the heat and the ocean.

Where I always belonged.

But first, a little stop at this crazy capital, Mexico City.

With love and patience,


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