Monday, April 6, 2015

Indonesia and the Underwater World

Good morning everybody,

It’s been nearly a month that I’ve been in Indonesia. It’s a huge country and they say that it has around 17 000 islands. We got only one month's visa here, so how could we possibly see everything. No chance! We chose two islands- less explored volcanic Sumatra and famous Bali.

Sumatra was a surprise for Dom, he found out only in the plane where we are going. Worked really well, I must say. Highly recommend this game for everybody, so much fun!

Sumatra surprised us with it’s size, clear water and mountainous areas.  Beautiful volcanoes and cheap life, even Thailand seemed expensive to us, haha!

Then Dom surprised me with Bali and his secret activity- freediving course. Well, about Bali, I must say it is a beautiful island, however, it was the most touristic place on our trip. It is a spiritual place, everybody says, but I felt more consumerism rather than spirit. Of course, we travelled in some sort of touristic places, the real Bali is reachable only for few. It’s sad that Balinese culture, which is so colourful and intense is now seen by locals chasing you around and trying to sell one of the touristic activities.

Tomorrow we are leaving Indonesia. This country will always associate with underwater world. We spent numerous days in the water, not only snorkelling, swimming or scuba diving, but this time we tried freediving as well. And I must say it was something special, very special.

The course took only 2 days and in those 2 days we did some practical stuff but the most importantly we learnt to completely relax and let our minds go. My first day was a little bit frustrated for me, I had problems with equalizing my ears. However, the next day was the time when I probably fell in love with freediving feeling. I got 10 m deep (bare in mind that average person with very calm and good state of mind can go with one breath 30 m deep) and I got this euphorical, meditative feeling where I felt that I am part of the underwater, where I am just a small creature watching world passing by. It was so special. Everything in life is so related to our mind. And freediving is all about that. The only way to reach deepness with one breath is to completely relax. We all have so much oxygen inside that we can’t even imagine how deep we can go. But it is all about our mind.

We were all naturally relaxed and knew how not to worry when we were children. So the instinct to relax is natural for us. However, nowadays society is keep pushing us to be the most beautiful, the fastest, the strongest, the best. Rush to school, rush to work, rush to live your life. Kindergarten already puts us in the competition, then school, then work and then life itself. But who is teaching us to let go- meditation (which can be different to everybody) and freediving. I am so lucky I had that feeling.

In few days to continue our spiritual learning me and Dom are going to do a Vipassana meditation course which is a 10 day silence meditation where you are not allowed to talk, read, write, do exercise or keep an eye contact with other students for 10 days. It is an intense meditation course and we can’t wait to explore our souls.

Our trip is reaching another level and I am so happy about it.

Have a wonderful April!


cool Air Asia plane

in the sky...

playing cards on the plane

beautiful Pulau Weh

Dom in a ferry with his muslim friends

stairs to heaven

Mt Sibayak

on the top of the world

with our new friend


volcanic lake Toba

traditional Batak people house

me and my new friend

beautiful Dream beach in Lembongan


crystal clear waters...

our friend

Ubud, Bali

green Bali

Look at the size of it!

ancient site in Bali

my cat's cousin

Amed, Bali

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