Thursday, April 23, 2015

Everything Is Constantly Changing


Recently I've been interested in yoga, I have tried some chanting and meditation before but there was always this secret magical word in my head- Vipassana.

I've heard about this meditation from few people who did it but all I knew is that you are not allowed to talk for 10 days. That was all. Then I started keep meeting people and over the years I got a little bit more information. However, I was never ready for it. 

When we started our South East Asia trip I knew I want to do it and I met quite few people who did this meditation course so I thought it is a sign for me to do it.

Few days ago me and Dom finished our Vipassana meditation course and came back from it with a beautiful life philosophy.

The fact that you can't speak or keep an eye contact with people is really easy. The fact that you get up at 4 am every day, can't read or write or your last meal is at 11 am is pretty easy as well. The fact that you need to meditate 10 hours a day, that's what is hard. In the beginning it is your body. Everything aches, your legs, your back, your neck, your ass. You feel like a real granpa. And then you are taught to ignore the pain and work on your concentration. Concentrate on your breathing and then concentrate on your body sensations. Seems really easy, yeah? Well, the concentration is gone after one minute, you keep thinking about everything. Your mind is controling you, you don't control anything. After you work out with concentration is the sensation part. Our bodies are constantly changing, if you have sharp mind you must feel every single part of your body because there are always different chemical reactions, vibrations happening in your body. Then they teach you not to react to those sensations. So when you feel pain you are not allowed to dislike the feeling, the idea is to observe. When you feel some good sensations that you really like you are not allowed to crave for them. The pain will come and go, the good sensations come and go, life is impermanent, it is true nature of reality.

However, our mind is always reacting which creates negative energy inside and then it stays there forever. We become more miserable, more unhappy or unsatisfied. Human beings always suffer. And this tecnique teach you how to purify your mind and how to escape from suffering.

After 10 days of course I didn't become enlightened but I felt that I learnt something really useful. I learnt more about myself and most importantly I learn the tecnique which can let me to live altruistic life, with no ego or selfishness, to live morally happy in a real harmony.

I recommend to try this meditation to everybody, it is a beautiful life philosophy and it is so logical and true. Let's purify ourselves, let's all find real happiness, real love and real harmony.

Anicca, anicca, anicca

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