Hey beauties,
I was about to write an update of my life, my chocolates, my dreamy mexican simple life and so on and then I thought, I want juicy things so why not to share a topic that I have been thinking to write about for a long time. My love life.
And the funny thing is that by accident it happens to be an international women day. So I raise my cacao toast to all the women around who took part in my life, taught me so much, mirrored and enriched my life. You know who you are and I so appreciate you in this cute life of ours.
But let's continue with juice 😂
I had many conversations around this topic and I always found myself in so much gratitude because nearly all men that got romantically involved with me wether that was a monogomous relationship, polyamorous fun, open relationships or lovers these men taught me a lot.
I have nevet felt a toxicity and always wonderred why so many women complain about men, to me, it felt that healthy mature creative fun spiritual affectionate men are everywhere. I am still a fond believer of that.
Now the first example of a man in my life was far away from a healthy example. My dad was an alcoholic and was abusing my mom in front of me and my sister for many years. So I really saw what kind of man I didn't want in my life. I also saw the beautiful parts of my dad that were still not eaten by alcohol and in my little virgo catalog I kept those ones and made sure that men will come to my life the way I was imagining them. And they did.
Well one may ask so why are you now single? I guess men, like friends come and go, some staying for a month or a few brief moments while others stay forever in your life. I believe that the energy stays around for a long time but like with everything, life is full of change and some teachers and mirrors serve both sides for certain time in your life.
There have been challenges and difficult moments, there have been some little slips with some lovers but generally speaking I am very grateful for these beautiful men in my life that shared more than a romantic moment.
Women too. I swear there was a moment in my life when I thought I am a lesbian, well, more like bisexual, but my dear friend Hugo kept reminding me that it is just a period in my life. And he was right. I definitely don't label my sexuality because I fall in love with a person, not a gender but let's say men have always made my head spin around.
If another person is a projection of mine then I have seen a lot of sides of me. I have seen some faults that have been deeply burried within me, I have seen some incredible powers that have never been unlocked before, I have seen some beauty and the darkness. And I give thanks to these souls because they have touched my heart, they have made crazy in love, they have made me understand myself more so I keep evolving as a conscious woman.
You know who you are. Keep spreading that love and keep remembering that you are my projection and I am yours.
Ayyy, is this connected with a Spring energy? Who else is feeling juicy or am I the only one? 😂
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