Wednesday, December 30, 2020

In Tune with a Season

 Yassas dear friends and family,

The end of November has been a little tough for me. I felt a lot of anger, frustration and hopelessness. I was fed up with lies, new conspiracy theories, control, division and general bullshit. I felt scared and paranoid about the future. Nothing made sense anymore and I lost my ground.

In this kind of situation my first reaction was to flight. I started looking for different projects, volunteering opportunities, one day I was checking flight tickets to Bali, next day to Mexico, next to Morocco and so on. My mind was going crazy. I felt like I wanted to run away. But where to?

Here I was in Greece. In Evia island, with beautiful friends and family, cooking nutritious food, walking beautiful dogs, working in a garden, meditating, doing yoga together and I was still so restless?! I felt so spoiled and angry with myself that I am not appreciative enough. But what one can do with a mind full of fear and paranoia.

And then December came. And somehow, for the first time I felt in tune with stillness. Everything calmed down. Life slowed down. I stopped running. And the fear and paranoia disappeared. My hope for future, for beautiful future was back. I ditched those dark thoughts and started enjoying the moment. Day by day.

The nature was my teacher. A beautiful and still sea was inspiring me. I started feeling grateful for the moment to reflect and dive inwards, for such generous friends letting me stay for free, giving me food and their wonderful company. And you know what? When you stop worrying, you create space inside your head. And in that space, solutions are born, and Universe starts sending you opportunities.

And one wonderful and very special opportunity just came to me by chance. I’ll tell you more next month. Just one spoiler- I am going to my beloved Sevilla.

This year for me has been so full of lessons. I am feeling so so lucky with my still very very privileged and free life. I have met beautiful souls, created fantastic memories, played and cried, laughed and danced, swam naked in the moonlight and digged deeper inside.

Don’t let those controlling freaks at the top of the pyramid to infect your lives with lies. Live your truth and continue doing things you love, creating beauty in this world. Life will always stay as a gift, remember that!

With much love and hope,


Monday, November 9, 2020

Beautiful Crete


While the world around me is going crazy I decided to spread a bit more love about one place I recently discovered. Yes yes, I fall in love with places as often as the seasons change, so what?

For more than a month I have been exploring Crete. First, on a deeper level volunteering at the dog shelter and contributing towards better life for some. Then, with my backpack around. With some spice of romance 😊

I am often say how privileged, how lucky I am to lead such wonderful, colourful life like I have now. But I also give myself some credit too for courage and spontaneity.

I often heard from travellers and locals that Crete island is like Texas of Greece. And my only stereotype I had was all inclusive tourism paradise which never charmed me before.

Lucky or not I got to see Crete without masses of tourists, you know, the type who don’t want to explore local culture but sit by the swimming pool and watch their smartphones. I understand, everybody has their way of travelling, but let’s just say it’s not my cup of tea.

Stunning high mountains in the middle and beautiful crystal clear waters around the coast plus some epic rocks for climbing. Can it get better? Yes! Without any guilt I finally could buy a local avocado or banana or even guava. My plate had everything fresh, everything grown on this beautiful island. My eyes have been always filled with landscapes that I adored. My skin was happy and it felt like summer will never end.

And over the sea I could feel the African winds caressing my skin. What a gem, what an island!

But summer always ends for me at some point. This time Covid madness measures got me also. I had to quickly escape this paradise and make a decision for my next move. The lockdown in Greece came fast and unexpected. But for this topic, read my next blog post. I have few words on this topic.

Right now, I keep reminding myself, just come back to the breath, stay present, share good vibes, inspire. The world is turning completely upside down but it can never affect the deep souls that we have inside. Stay true to your inner beauty and let nobody touch it!

Till soon my friends,


Beautiful Plakias

|Amazing gorge walk


My favourite grafiti so far in all Greece

Xania and memorable lighthouse



Incredible south

Unbelievable sunsets in Plakias