Hello everybody,
It is 2014. Happy New Year everybody.
Don’t make any resolutions because I love you already without them
Anyway, it is not about it. It is about
my life. My trip, people I meet, food I try, tears I cry.
They say Christmas is a family
celebration. Eating together, spending time together and just simply
sharing and it’s true! But what do you do when you are far away
from your family. It’s simple, you create another family. You enjoy
the moments shared with ones you met. And it can become special, I
My Christmas was in Paris. Eating with
my friend’s Jessica family, listening language I don’t know,
laughing from too much vine, just being there and now. And it was
Paris was good, but I am not sure I am
coming back there. Too big and grey. I don’t like when you are
dependent on transport and can’t walk everywhere in few hours
And then hitch-hiking all way to
London. What can I say, it was fucking hard. One of the most
challenging day in my trip. Short distances, rain, wind, cold, shitty
hitch-hiking spots on the road, under the bridge, strong language
barrier, but then very easy hitch-hiking to the ferry. Hitch-hiking
from Dover was a mess, nobody were stopping, seemed like UK never
seen any hitch-hikers on a road. Anyway, somehow we made it, we
arrived to London around 1 o’clock in the night but our trip was
not finished yet. We were in Enfield, north of London not even close
to any underground station to get us to the centre. After missing
last trains, struggling with buses, being lost, hungry and maybe
sometimes angry we arrived to my friends flat at 4 am. Guess how well
we slept that night, haha?
That day was really trying us, checking
if we are strong enough. We could always easily catch a bus from
somewhere and get into it but we said no, and we carried on. Never
show your back for hitch-hiking luck. Sometimes you hate it when you
stand in freezing cold and nobody is stopping for you but then you
meet those life saviers and you fall in love with hitch-hiking again.
I never really liked London. Too big
for me as well, but this time London showed it’s nice side, it was
sunny and blue sky for 2 days, how could you not like this!!! We had
great time with my friends and that’s the most important.
My New Years Eve was in my beloved
Brighton. Big house party with one of couchsurfers, seeing faces I
haven’t seen for a while, laughing, dancing, flirting, drinking. It
was not spectacular but I had great fun. And I am always very
emotional in the midnight, I feel the year changing. I know it sounds
stupid That night I was
looking through the big window to the lights and some fireworks and I
thought a lot about some of you. Where you are at that moment, do you
enjoy your life and how much I missed spending time with you.
Tomorrow I am starting another page of
my interesting book. I am flying back to Spain. I have been accepted
with Leonardo da Vinci programme (google it, it’s great!) to live
in Sevilla for 3 months. You know you are welcome, make sure I see
some of you, you have to fall in love with this beautiful region
Love you a lot
(well, some of you even more than that!)
Free hot chocolate from driver who stopped for us! |
Hitch-hiking in french style! |
Paris is not only about touristic places! |
Free coca cola for a rainy day in Paris with our new friends coca cola bears! |
My cool friend Princess |
I told you I have cool friends! |
haha! |
Maybe Australian flag will bring us luck? :) |
learning some local slang :) |
If you won't stop, can't promise what may happen next for you... |
Hitch-hiker's life is not always easy :) |
Dreamy couple, thanks guys again!!! |
great band, ok and sexy drummer :))) |
Kraken!!!! |
Brighton, I am back! |
tik dabar perskaičiau, mieloji, bet kaip gražu! aš žinok irgi sentimentali pasidarau naujųjų naktį, bet juk nieko čia blogo! vis pagalvoju apie tave ir pasidžiaugiu, kad gyveni savo svajonėmis ir kad nebijai tokių išbandymų! milijonas bučkių