Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Follow Your Passion

Good morning friends 🌞

While the storms and hurricanes are surrounding Mexico, I sit quietly in my cave and reflect my September.

A month with a lot of peace within, a lot of acceptance, wisdom and strength. My month, the month that 34 years ago I was born. The month of harvest in my lithuanian lands, the month of changing colours, changing weather. The autumn equinox, where the light is equal to the dark.

As much as I would have wanted to be producing cacao and chocolate often, I had to still pause and wait until the tourism season starts. But Mexico is teaching me an amazing patience and trust. And so this month I could finally ease into the very stillness. And you know what waits in stillness? Your own wisdom, the most powerful tool you have💪

But I wanna talk today about the passion.

From a young age I often said to myself that I wanna follow my heart. What does that mean to me? Well, a life in balance, a life where I follow my enthusiasm, zest for life, in other words passion. Something that makes me excited, that never has an ending or result so I purely enjoy its process. Like a kid lost in time playing with two sticks.

And as I track my life back to the childhood, I was always passionate about action, about movement, adventure, exploring. So I did. Joining every after school activity that exists, climbing and falling trees, swimming lakes, jumping, running, bruising. 

And slowly with my first hitch hike experience as a 13 year old teenager I got a new passion that lasts till now-travelling. And I knew within myself that travel is what I gonna do. No matter how many limited perceptions around me I heard. 15 years ago travel was a bit different than now 😁

I just felt so happy on the road with a backpack and unknown destination. Only the road mattered.

And that was my hearts direction.

So with a school ending I followed my passion.

It never stopped and I became a full time traveller for many many years.

I wanted to learn snowboarding so I did, I wanted to play an intrument so I did, I wanted to draw so I did, yoga, surfing, volunteering- everything was just my hearts desire. 

And then slowly I became vegan and my passion for the rights of animals transformed into an amazing professional expression creating vegan food in retreats, communities and people around the world.

And then cacao entered in my life. By then I was accustommed to listen to my heart. So I followed.

The heart, the passion.

And now co creating with cacao that still feels like a dream.

The idea here is not to show off but to inspire you.

You don't need to wait. Just follow that sparkle within and little by little your heart will become a captain of your boat and you will sail wonderful seas.

Is it hard sometimes? Hell yeah. Scary? Absolutely! Do you still doubt yourself? Of course! But! Most of the time you just feel that you are living. Truly experiencing life. Crying, laughing, dying. Everything starts to make sense.

And that feeling can be found only within. No other external conditions will bring you peace within.

What is that you love doing? Follow it, you will be so surprised of unlimited life adventures it will take you on.

Experience this life. Don't just exist. Live it and share your own wisdom, your own sparkling. Fail, fall, get up back, continue. Speak up, be wild, don't follow the norm, the way 'you have to be'.

Follow your passion and your heart my dear one.

with a lot of love


Sunday, September 1, 2024

Microscopic Life

Hello dear friends ❤️ 

Today I have been completely bathed in the wisdom of the ocean. 

September is a month for family in Mexico and so the beach that I get to myself was full of action so I found a nice quiet spot in between the rocks and discovered a natural bath pool. And since today I decided to rest I had all the time of the world.

As a small kid I started staring at the tiny microscopic world full of tiny crabs, colourful snails and the craziest trippiest patterns on the rocks under the surface. I basically zoomed in. Now as a practising little yogi I am often reminded to zoom out. To look at myself, the situations and the problems from the outer experience. 

Today I also was reminded that as zooming out is important for us to detach, zooming in brings the here and now. I felt a part, this huge giant looking at all those small crabs nibbling on tiny little dots on the rocks. It became a movie, a very fascinating movie. Nearly as fun as zooming out from my tiny human problems. It was a beautiful experience to tap into that microscopic world.

And perhaps today was a little representation of my month of August.

Maybe some of you know but all my months of August I have spent in Europe, and the last 3 years in a row every August I have been burning and having lots of fun in Greece with my beloved friends. This years August was completely opposite. 

As I am starting to live the rhythtm of Latin America, this time of the year is all about rest. It is more quiet, rainy season in these lands basically representing European winter, going inwards.

And that have been quite difficult to me. 

As you have seen I have started very special creative project with my beloved cacao and August was about preparation. Visiting ocean, learning to flow, drawing, meditating, watering the seeds I planted in order to fulfill this dream. 

And I realized that as much as I practise mindfulness I am still very much of a 'do-er'. 

To trust the natural timing requires a huge faith and discipline. But everything in this life is possible. And by the very end of this month I have finally gave birth to my very own Cacao. But about that I will share more in a separate post.

Thank you for reading,

I wish you all to follow your passions and listen to the Nature and the intelligence within 🙏

Love you guys ❤️🤗

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Love, Ocean and the Heat

Hola mis amores 🧚

My July this year was different. Why? Well, all my 33 years I have always chosen to be in Europe. Every summer no matter how far I would travel I would get back for the summer in Europe.

As a sun and summer chaser it always made sense. It's my favourite season in Europe and I just loved popping in to my beloved Greece, Lithuania and Portugal and seeing my tribe.

Until I met Mexico. 

This year as the time was approaching to european summer, my heart was showing me only one direction- Mexico. 

My beautiful but sometimes overanalising brain was just shaking the head. No way. You have your safety- your friends, beloved projects, work collaborations, flowing income. Mexico? Now? In a rainy stormy season? With no job ahead? And my heart, that adventurous crazy little beater was just sneakily smiling. Yep. Mexico.

So I followed my heart. Because I have learnt that the heart is my captain. I have chosen to preach about the way of the heart so I also have to live it. 

And don't worry, my inner Virgo made sure I have an amazing idea that I will share with you in my next blog as right now I am in a preparation 😁

So arriving in Mexico felt great. And as some of you know I already have been spending my time in Chiapas. But July was all about rest, love and the beach.

I had a beautiful and very healing time with my sweetest Mexican soul and just sharing good conversations, cooking, eating and being there for one another showed me how beauty is created when shared.

The water, the ocean, the sweat on my skin reminds me again and again to connect with flow. And years and years of action summers at this time of the year is a little confusing for me now.

Now is my time to slow down but the mind is confused. So I whisper each morning to myself- it is time to flow, to be, to float in a salty ocean, to rest in a hammock with a fan in my face. I am entering the rhythms of Mexico, the seasons of this land. My sometimes restless soul is receiving a lot these days. Ahaaa, so this is how it feels to really fill your cup. 

And the ocean supports me. The same water that I cried, smiled, lauhged and bathed in. The Pacific is my teachet right now. With my sacred Goddess of Death and Rebirth sipped in my cacao cup every morning.

I am really grateful. I realise what abundance I have. 

And I will be here for some time now. You will find me in Troncones. In the ocean. Come to see me, we will have cacao together ☀️🤗