Hola todos!
Ohhhh Mexico.. took me over! Today while buying the fruit the woman said to me 'you look like you are in love'. And I am.
It's been now over a month I have been indulging, exploring and discovering this beautiful land and its people.
Funny how this time coming to Mexico felt just right. If some of you remember last time I was flying to Mexico I was with my broken and sad heart.
I have always dreamt about Latin America, always been that kind of girl admiring the fire, intensity, the colours, full on life. And this time coming here with my open heart, strong ground underneath and curiosity for tropics I was welcomed like I really belong here.
This feeling when you get out of a plane after 10 hours and the tropic heat slaps you in your face felt so good, so right. I must have been living my previous lives in hot countries because I always feel home.
There is a beauty of coming back to a country that you visited before. There is this peculiar sense of familiarity even if you are in a completely new town. The slow and steady Spanish kissed my ears again and conversation after conversation I realised how much I can understand and express myself now.
I did come here though to have a bit of a settled place. For a month, two or more.
I am helping my friend with amazing delicious vegan food and lots of fermented goodies. We are selling it in the markets and that gives me an inpsiration to continue somewhere else once I leave this place.
Living in a city is like a new school for me. And a kid who likes thousand things it can get a bit overwhelming, but I love it!
This soft but ohhh so mexican city fits right in my category. The beaches here are stunning, I finally get a chance to improve my surfing and spend time swimming and looking for whales an dolphins.
I finally enrolled in official driving school ( yes yes, they do have such thing in Mexico and yes yes I am crazy to do it here) and I love how quickly the guy trusts my confidence. 1 hour of theory and the next class I was already on the road with a quick one on the highway! Imagine this in Europe!
Salsa was another dream of mine and being the only foreigner in the class gives me a chance to meet more of the locals from 16 to 70 years old! I love how mexicans open their hearts and make you feel seen, loved, cared for. I love my new dancing buddies!
So Mexico is taking care of me. Providing me with right activities and right people around. I am very grateful for this period of life.
In general, I feel strong on my feet, aware, I feel like I know what I want, I am with my beautiful friends volunteeringly cooking food I believe in with an opportunity to live in a city I love, meet the culture of Mexico while sharing interesting conversations around and just instensily living my life.
This period of my life is high. I know it all changes. So I celebrate it and enjoy it fully while I have it.
If you pass by Zihuatanejo, come and see me!
Con mucho amor, mis queridas,