Sunday, April 24, 2022

Magical Forest

There is this forest I go to. He always greets me in the same spirit. Spirit of home, of softness, of acceptance. My loyal companion is often the dog. He too is in love with this magical forest.

We start our days early. And as we walk its green carpet, the crispy air bites my cheeks, the birds already prove it‘s time to wake up. I walk in awe, most of the times, and wonder how such wildness can provide the feeling of safety. I know every corner of it, at least, it feels like it. I am in love with softness of the ground, that dark green moss, the shelter for the smallest. I love the air, exploding my lungs with realness and health. I love those tall beauties, the queens of the forest- my pines. They stand so tall and gracefully, their gentle dance don‘t get shaken even with strong winds.

Our evening walks tend to be reflective. As the sun sets, the mystical feeling of the darkness takes place. The birds are more quiet, the whole forest gets ready for the stars show. It rains a lot these days, and clouds greets me more than sun.

I feel happy in the forest. In this particular forest. I like it when it‘s sunny, I like it when it‘s cloudy, I like when it‘s cold, I like when it‘s rainy. The forest changes his moods and I feel privileged to experience them all. And unlike human, no matter what his mood, he always gives back more. He gives you peace, he gives you acceptance, he gives you freedom, he gives you life.

These past days have been filled with the magic of the forest. I have been back in Europe for nearly 3 weeks now. The cultural and weather shock gave me strong slap after my crazy wild and mystical trip in Mexico. And like every chapter of my life it has a lot of beauty already.

I am in Lithuania, if you were wondering. Until I feel the winds to take me South. And until then, there are dogs to walk, forests to admire, friends to connect and food to cook. No pressure, no control. Complete trust in the Universe to provide what‘s needed and when needed.

With lots of love,


Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Mexico Dream

 Hello my sweet sweet friends,

In the beginning of my Mexico trip my good friend told me that I will leave Mexico crying and in love. And he was right.

At that time, it was hard to believe such a sentence. I came to Mexico with a broken heart, learning how to let go big love of mine and move on. It was difficult to go through such intense emotions and be in a new environment with so many beautiful souls around me.

But time, as always, has this power of change. And I found myself coming back to myself, connecting with myself and others around and most importantly connecting with the land I am on it. 

Mexico started to show its love. Through the people, nature and experiences. The colours of native cultures brought me joy and aliveness, the dreamers that I met on my road led me to believe in my own dreams and pursue them. The tropical fruit of this land, the jungle with its magnified inhabitants and intense smells and colours sharpened my senses and I felt like a part of this land. 

Mexico started to open the arms of locals to me and I felt so welcomed in this land. As a traveller, there is not a better feeling than belonging.

I felt happy in this noisy, full-on, intense land. 

If I would have to choose the smell of Mexico, it would be the fruit of guava, so tropical, so different from anything that I am used to. Every market had it and I could smell it from far far away. If it would be a taste, I would go for sour lime, adding extra freshness to everything. If it would be a feeling, I would go for this intense sun hotness on your skin, burning the bottom of your feet while you are on the beach or walking barefoot on the asphalt. If it would be an animal, I’d choose a pelican. Watching them just before the sunset diving like an acrobat and fishing their dinners each night brought me so much joy. And of course, there is no question about what would I choose for the plant. Cacao, at least the spirit of cacao. This exotic fruit/plant was truly a guiding force behind my trip. It brought me openness and joy, love and acceptance. 

And now I am back in Europe. It all still feels like a dream. 4 months of sunshine, intensity, new friends, new loves, cries from happiness and sadness, inspiration, motivation, freedom, ohhh what a beautiful gift in my life this trip was. I am closing this chapter, this energy and continuing the way of my heart. Which direction is it going now? I am open to listening and following it. Because, I found out, that is the only way for now that I want to live my life. The heart´s way.

I am so looking forward to seeing you all in Europe, let´s create magic!

With love and inspiration,
