Sunday, August 29, 2021

Observations by The Sea

Hello my dear friends,

It's been such a long long time since I sat down and put some of my thoughts on this imaginary paper. Life has been very busy and very stressful lately and I could not find any time. 

So what happened since my last post? Well, I left beautiful Portugal and came all the way towards the north. To the country of royal accents, milk in their teas and the weather that makes everybody complain about it. Yes, good old England. 

But this time I didn't come to explore beautiful countryside or visit my beloved friends around, no, this time I came to do something completely random. I came to earn some dollars while doing temporary tattoos, mostly on sugar hyped kids, nervous teenagers and some not so funny adults.

I spent 2 months in the greek winter like weather, pushing the trolley day in and out, spreading glitter all around like some fairy who has no idea about the planet destruction. I spent my days on the street, watching, observing those crazy holidaymakers and trying to grasp what makes people do things. It felt like anthropology degree, just more real, more into your face.

It was hard, I know, I told you already but let me complain a little bit more.

You know that I love UK. I have many friends here and I spent big part of my travelling life living all around. I have a lot of admiration for this so welcoming so diverse nation. However, this summer I saw the destructive part of us, the so called clever apes. I saw that there is so much control, so much anger and aggression. The place where I lived itself had a feel of no hope. And covered in all the artificial amusement it let us all forget that deep inside it us not the stuff we need but the kindness to each other, the joy, the belonging, you know, the big words.

Living on of the street of Skegness with desperate people sinking their sadness in drugs, alcohol or abusement makes me really appreciate my own state. My own personal tools that let me navigate through my life in lows or highs.

It's funny how such place numbs you too, and suddenly the aggressive verbal fight outside of your house becomes just a normal background sound.

Luckily I was not alone to experience and see all this, my dear beautiful boyfriend Rafael was doing exactly the same. It felt like we were two soldiers going through a fight, sometimes in between ourselves but mostly against this desperation. And when it was all over, what a pride I felt. What a companion I got by my side.

This job brought me a love feeling towards children, something I have never felt before (no, I am not pregnant:) ). I could see their innocence, so fragile and already broken by their verbally abusing pushy and shouting parents. I saw in some of their eyes how happy they can be just enjoying a simply small bit of paint and glitter on their skin. And this used to make my days.

Money is earnt, massive bag packed, the insights slowly coming and all this experience slowly digested what's next I hear you asking. 

Time to run away to the mountains and cook some vegan food. Enjoy the traffic, drug dealer free environment.

Switzerland, I'm coming.

With love and a bit of complaints,
