Monday, June 7, 2021

A Beautiful Gift

 Bom dia!

Life is a gift. I read it everywhere, I hear it everywhere and I totally agree on that. It is such an incredible gift that like with everything I tend to get used to it.

I get used to having a healthy and delicious food in my stomach each day, I get used to living in incredibly stunning nature places, I get used to my strong and healthy body, to the mind that has space to think, to my job that I love. Ohh man, being privileged takes you there.

Human nature is funny, either we remind each day to ourselves how precious life is or we just take everything for granted.

For most of my lived life I often craved for good sensations, for good experiences, for happiness and joy. And it is still there. But these couple of years I have been much more acceptant to live through the not so happy times. To still find a gratitude each day. To learn how to observe and accept the things that didn’t go planned. And man, it’s hard!

I also felt that staying optimistic is very important, but my life went so beautifully fulfilling that to stay optimistic was never too hard. Only when I started to face little struggles, to see the unravelling conditionings of mine, only then I really felt this need of gratitude. It is always much easier to stay happy when the sun shines, but what about when it rains?

Today has been an interesting day. And it inspired me to write a post.

There was a very strong feeling of observation of my mood today. Now, I am this kind of person who often wakes up and smiles with the world. I take it as my strength and I value it. But the mornings I wake up with an absolute irritation is actually- a gift to me from life (which often is hard to see it as a gift!). It’s my reality check, asking me, hey, and so what you gonna choose today-to react and infect others with the shit you deal or choose to observe, smile at it, forgive yourself for having all these trivial little problems and move on with the day. And it’s so fucking hard to choose the second option! But if I don’t, it doesn’t matter how optimistic I can be on my good days. And today I managed to stick with a second option. And what a beautiful gift life can offer.

The moment I started to observe it, I became lighter. Not that the little irritations disappeared but the feeling of compassion appeared-compassion to myself. And that shifted my energy giving me a space to see my mood as a separate entity from my Self. Do you know what I mean?

I guess in short, I feel very grateful and there was a need to share it with you, my dear friends.

And I am still in beautiful Portugal. Summer is here, the heat is coming, the leaves are drying and the sun starts giving me blisters on my lip. I am still cooking for Kristina and Nick, playing with wild ocean from time to time, connecting with people and observing cats. The animals often give me a sense of grounding and the present moment feel.

I will be in Portugal for another month, and then…. A new destination!

Thank you for reading this and being interested in my life,

Enjoy the month of June!


healthy breakfast!

budha bowl, or jesus?

tofu salad with spinach crepes

burnt faces!!

no-bake chocolate tart

dancing times

jackfruit tempeh salad

I love the colours!

Palak Tofu Curry

Portugal beaches are stunning!

vegan finger food feast

trying to draw, evil pics?

the view from Sintra

Tofu Balls

black bean sweet potato patties

Berries Cheesecake

Teriyaki Eggplant with garden beans

still trying :)

pan grilled eggplant salad with beetroot mash

Banana Caramel Parfait

vegan twix

re-union with Fraga after 10 years no see! 

banana pancakes!

smoothie bowls

wholegain spelt ravioli with spinach cashew filling

asian style noodles with seitan