Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Magic Believer


I believe in magic. I believe in synchronicity, in things that meant to happen, in universe power and mystic unexplained stories. Without those beliefs my life would lose it's charm. I am that kind of person who likes to connect things and not call them coinsidences. If I meet a person that I know on the other side of the globe, it's not a coincidence for me, it definitely has more meaning than that.

I also like from time to time to reflect on where I am and retrack my life journey.

Since young age I always have been a person who likes trying new things, very curious about a lot of stuff. So when I left school and went exploring the world, I often found myself asking what is that makes me happy, what job, what activity that makes me want to wake up in the morning and do it. A lot of wise travellers always assured me that it is ok not to know what you want, as long as you keep on trying and keep on learning. I really believed them.

And then slowly I started to pick hobbies, activities and jobs that really made my life colourful and interesting.

When I left Sark nearly a year ago, I was quite confused and lost. And I often get these lost moments, I think they are pretty normal. I got a chalet host job quickly afterwards, without even knowing that I actually will be cooking, funny! As if Universe got something planned for me. I enjoyed it and then, again, very randonmly, I got another job, this time cooking the food that fits my moral and ethical standards.

So now I am actually getting paid to cook and experiment with plant based food. I am getting an opportunity to inspire more people and question meat and dairy industries. And I don't even need to go and protest or do other type of plant based lifestyle encouregemnet actions ( don't get me wrong, it's very very important too!). I can use my creativity in the kitchen and then enjoy it together with guests who perhaps later make changes in their lifes.

Now when I look back quite many years ago, I wouldn't have imagined doing such a job. And I am not saying that I reached the peak and now I just gonna do it all my life. No, I just really believe that without looking and exploring, I probably wouldn't be where I'm now. And all the little things that happened in my life are truly magical.

I keep on meeting so many wonderful people that keep on inspiring me a letting me grow. Feeling completely grateful for all of that.

Let everybody create magic in this world.

Sending love from high mountains,


beautiful beautiful mountains

home sprouted lentils and courgette salad

Aubergine filled with buckwheat and seasonal veg sauce

Lemon tumeric cheesecake

I'm still obsessed with mandalas!

cool house

amazing Weissensee lake

Alpine strawberries!

ha, selfie in the forest!

i love those lights!

something magical about pine trees

Nettle soup with home made oatcakes. My colleagues Becca's photo. She is so good!

Sweet potato spinach paties with beetroot ketchup. Again Becca's photo

Berries and rhubarb crumble with home made strawberry nice cream. Becca's photo. You can tell, ha!