Hello everybody,
I took some time, I know. My last post was in June, oops!
I am doing fine, in fact way better than before.
I discovered that I have issues with coming back to the same place again. Some of you probably remember that I spent 6 months last year living, working and enjoying in Sark. Yes, the most beautiful island in the Channel Islands, with no cars, streetlights, real nature paradise.
So this summer I came back there. But it was very strange feeling. Few days felt like some psychedelic bubble, I was over joyful to see everybody, I started to work after 9 months not working, I was living again with Dom, oh I felt over excited about everything.
And then slowly I realized that Sark is different than last year. In fact, Sark was the same, I guess I was different. I was feeling very lonely. You know that horrible feeling when you feel like some little and unimportant creature. I don't like that feeling. I started to compare experiences that I had in the same place. Like, oh last year Sark was so sunny and hot, oh last year I was going there and there, oh last year I had some friends, oh last year...blah blah blah. Why do we always have to compare things?
But with time I started to learn stop thinking about the past and just be happy of what I have now. And I am so privileged to be here, all the beautiful nature around me, the sea, Dom, all the beautiful people here, numerous boat trips, caves, adventures, full moon, real living. Somewhere I read that loneliness is a sign when you need to spend more time with yourself. It's true. I guess when I was feeling lonely I didn't know how to enjoy time with myself. Reading, swimming, playing, drawing, writing, walking and observing that what makes you connected within yourself. And then all the beauty comes back to you.
Sark is treating me well and I feel that I am reconnected to it again.
A month or so left and I will be diving into unknown waters again.
Have a great summer! Enjoy it!
visiting Lucas!!! |
Beer and mussels. What else do you need? |
Sark Folk Festival |
Little worker |
Happy Jess |
old harbour |
haha Delicious food at Mini's! |
another level of slack lining |
somebody sleeps to deep... |
that I can't resist on playing |
sheep in our field! |
Alfie |
Beuatiful Derrible bay |
BBQ and full moon party |
Guernsey |
haha, Jess and her new lead |
Grande Greve |
selfie |
almond and blackberry cake! |